When you realise that school is starting 2 days later....

Welcome to diaries of a nerdy kid. Yes, I am super duper nerdy, especially after getting bored in lockdown. So my blog will be a mix of tips and tricks, and a journal of school life. So yesterday my story was like this-
I am all ready for school!! Books, stationery and whatnot.
I wake up early and sit for milk.
My mom asks the date and I say-
" school starts tomorrow which is 10th so today...."
and then I hear something even worse than my nightmare where in our virtual sports class we have run laps in our house.
and that horrible thing is.......................................................................
it is........................................................................................................

you don't wanna hear..........................................................................

ok I will tell u
my mom told me that 10th June is on wednesday!!
Seriously mom, and I had marked all the with Monday as the first day of school!!

Note to self and a tip- see the date, and not the day while marking the calendar!!
