
Showing posts from 2020

Annual day, student council, missing sports day.

 Ok, I am fed up, nostalgic, and what not we have a virtual annual day!! ughhhhhhhhhhhh. We need to record videos for the script.  I had to re-record like 50% of them for a technical issue. I WAS sidelined a bit, but when I got the job of designing the invite, TEN PEOPLE HAD SUGGESTIONS!! but looking at the brighter side, student council elections are coming up!! we have 4 clans (or houses) in our school: 1. Apollo 2. Poseidon 3. Demeter 4. Zeus I am in Apollo. Poseidon is our rival clan. Then comes Zeus, and I never remember Demeter winning something. APOLLO ROCKS!! Last year, I won some points for Apollo by winning in a Debate competition, and boy did it break the ice. (though it happened at the end of the year) especially since we were sorted in our clans last year itself. Right now, I need your help. People campaign as the elections are tomorrow And IDK what I should tell them if I am not sure if I will vote for them.

my Chemistry exam

Heyy PPL! ok so My unit test exams just got over, like I changed into my home clothes and started writing this blog.  We had our ICT theory exam today, and as I was converting Hexadecimal to decimal, I decided that I will write this blog, starting from today, for 8 consecutive days, in the order of exams I had. to make it easier to access, I am making a separate page for it, too. Starting with today, the Chem exam

The teacher bully

Hi guys As I write this, I am fuming. I have this teacher who's name is- none of your business ;) but what she did, is TOTALLY   your business. So this teacher, lets call her M for now, is very partial. She was our subject teacher since 6th grade. Now every time we have a new teacher, i take a while to settle down. So she hated me for the first quarter. She had a pet, a boy who we can call V, and a girl who can be called B. Both these kids ate out of her hand. once the exam results were out, V had just managed to pass. The girl B and I topped. So she started favoring me, and the moment I would get something wrong, she would hate me. Girl B still ate out of her hand, so she was (and is) an all time favorite.  so a few days ago, my printer was spoilt, so I had to read the passage of my screen. As luck would have it, I had a cruddy network connection. So the PDF was blurred, and I read out some words wrong. She started scolding me as if I hate reading, despite knowing that I read Shak

Sports nightmare

I HATE HATE HATE HATE SPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Remember the first blog I wrote?? remember saying that my worst nightmare will be on running laps in a virtual pe class?? things are reallllllllllllllllllllllllly even worse!!!!!!!!! here's what we do in pe- stupid warm-ups  circuit exercises with push-ups and stuff. I mean what are we- weight lifters or something???  stupid teddy bear challenges and stuff But you know what, I am not a child journalist for nothing- i have a wonderful imagination. what I do is use earphones, so mom won't know if PE class is on. after basic warmups, I finish some homework!!  toodles, lazy nerd

The new kid

4-8-20 today we have a new kid in our school- I'm talking in the present tense as I am currently writing while my other teammates are giving speeches and getting worried about the debate as we had very little time to talk. but I don't care, I saw this coming and put all my important points first- I know right!? Very smart. but you see, I am great in debates. that is one thing where I can put behind all my timidness and get active, give my opinion- even though in school the teachers choose which motion we are for. Coming back to the topic, we had a new kid called kan--- dho--kia (not written full name for the sake of privacy) who is an Indian, but was in France- hence has a total foreign accent mixed with the Indian one. I feel like, after the whole circus of a debate, he has formed a negative impression. but you know what that sounds like? NOT MY PROBLEM!! actually, I attend school to study, and not to form impressions, and I learnt it the hard way. perhaps when I get over the

Back to normal

Today I write this blog as my maths sir goes on talking. Today school is back to normal. Before this class, we had chemistry, and the teacher is the co-ordinator. YIKES!! But I excell in trodding carefully with such teachers. My maths teacher is talking about mapping how we will cover the chapters, because in mid-term of grade 8 itself we have our boards.  But in my humble opinion, If we start learning right away, we would waste time lesser. But anyway, he always tends to finish each chapter in a week.

The night before school

The school haters, and the school lovers, both had sleepless nights..... The former worried for the morning that followed, and the latter excited. Yes, it was the night before school. Now my blog's name itself suggests which category I fall in. I was the latter. I sure was in bed at 9:30, but I tossed, turned, counted sheep, took walks across the house, felt like barfing, and whatnot. Finally, after my mom cleared our house (Hey, clearing the house is a talent!) I cuddled next to her and Snored untill my body clock striked 6:30 The first day of school was great. We did not learn a thing, untill yoga, when I shut audio and video and instead of breaking limbs, rested on the mat. Now the thing that made me happy is that I got back my study table. I have organised it well, and love it!! Toodles, Nerd bommer

when a nerd misses a point

here I'm back with one more comedy motion. You see, nerds are often mistaken for people who are 24 >< 7 in class.but actually, I drift off serval times in class. And asking what the question was can ruin my reputation as the most thin nerd in 7th grade.  Today I had my online class on zoom  my study table is to come home at afternoon, so I was sitting with my portable table on the floor beside my dad's cupboard. I anyway HATE  maths (sometimes, like today because we have a lotta homework) so I had 50% drifted away into another world. And then my dad had to open his cupboard. So I in a hurry muted my audio and video to shift my table, and I missed the properties. Because of my only-when-i-need-it-turns-out-horrible luck, my teacher asked me to repeat what she said. and when I could not, I was like a puppy stuck in the balcony with a huge dog in the opposite window. So I shut my coumputer audio, so nor could my teacher hear me and nor could I. Then I wrote in the chat box-

When you realise that school is starting 2 days later....

Welcome to diaries of a nerdy kid. Yes, I am super duper nerdy, especially after getting bored in lockdown. So my blog will be a mix of tips and tricks, and a journal of school life. So yesterday my story was like this- I am all ready for school!! Books, stationery and whatnot. I wake up early and sit for milk. My mom asks the date and I say- " school starts tomorrow which is 10th so today...." and then I hear something even worse than my nightmare where in our virtual sports class  we have run laps in our house. and that horrible thing is....................................................................... it is........................................................................................................ you don't wanna hear.......................................................................... ok I will tell u my mom told me that 10th June is on wednesday!! Seriously mom, and I had marked all the with Monday as the first day of school!! Note to self and a